Friday, February 14, 2014

Only One Like Truly Counts

The other day I was looking at my personal Instagram profile when Addie (8) snuggled next to me.  Since she has always been an inquisitive soul, I prepared myself for the barrage of questions I was about to be asked: "Who's that?", "What are they doing?", "Do I know that girl?" and so on.  As I scrolled through the pictures of the people I follow, Addie asked me to pause, go back, and "like" a photo.  When a picture of a middle school girl surrounded by her girlfriends appeared, Addie grabbed my phone and began studying the picture.  Since she is an extrovert, anything that portrays a poplar social situation grabs her attention.  "Wow mom, she has 174 likes on her picture," Addie remarked and then launched into her usual flood of questions.  After feeling satisfied, she scrolled down further until she came to my most recent post.  My picture only had three "likes".  And Addie noticed.  In fact, she acted horrified.  Why didn't more people "like" my picture?  I truly dread the day she becomes part of the social media world.  Before that is every allowed to happen, I am going to sit her down and explain the superficiality of it all.  Instagram and facebook is just as good at reporting real life as are celebrity trash magazines and entertainment "news" shows.  In fact, I am going to type up a bullet point list and post it in her room.  A code of conduct of sorts, but more like a code to always stand tall and love yourself no matter how many "likes" your post gets.  Self esteem barely has a chance to stand up and grow in today's world.  With all the perfectly airbrushed models on magazines, picture perfect times on facebook, tallies of Instagram likes, along with all the other social media outlets, girls need us in their corner more than ever.  I made a promise to Addie to never assume she has a handle on it all.  And I made a promise to her to always make sure that the only "like" that truly counts is the love for herself.  

Monday, January 27, 2014

Our Inspiration

It can be alarming just how quickly young girls grow up and today’s marketing doesn’t help. Hearing constant chatter from frustrated moms trying to find appropriate clothing for their young girls, we became inspired. We listened to the desperation of moms trying to find the balance between age appropriate and affordable fashion, while appealing to both adults and girls. Addie & Ella was born with all of this in mind. Our designs are young and sweet but offer enough of an edge to make the most opinionated little fashionista excited! The clothes are whimsical and refreshing, adding variety to a world filled with the classic smocked dress. Many of our designs are somewhat fashion-forward while others offer a vintage twist. And since we all live an on-the-go lifestyle, we created clothes with comfort and practicality in mind. Addie & Ella lets girls be comfortable at school or play, yet ready for an impromptu play-date or party. Time and time again, we hear stories of compliments that little girls hear while wearing Addie & Ella. So, we can say with certainty, the Addie & Ella line makes them feel special.
Our design inspiration comes from real world moms and their daughters. Addie and Ella are not just the names used for the brand. They are our girls. When we started the line, our daughters, Addie and Ella, were toddlers. Now they are eight and six with real thoughts and opinions about each design. We have inadvertently created little fashion divas who nix designs and have very stated preferences about colors and prints. As a result, Addie & Ella is truly a kid-tested, mom-approved line. Hey, even the fashionable Suri Cruise approved, who was seen wearing Addie & Ella around NYC last year.
When we created the Addie & Ella brand, we wanted to partner with a cause or charity. After Meghan’s tragic loss of one twin and the miracle of another, we knew we wanted to give back to our very own community. We hold a special place in our hearts for the Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit at Levine Children’s Hospital. Almost four years ago, we founded the committee (along with Fran Russ, Lindsay Howard, and Cheryl Rosenberg) “In the Nic of Time”. In the Nic of Time holds a benefit each year for the Levine NICU and the Charlotte Fetal Care Center. For anyone who has had a baby in the NICU or has known someone, they will understand the significance of the benefit event each year. This year’s event will be at the Fillmore on May 30th. Please visit and to learn more and offer support.
Addie & Ella has kicked off 2014 with a new sales model. After receiving many emails from moms trying to buy our line, we are now offering the line at wholesale prices but directly to our fans. You can shop for Addie & Ella directly from our facebook page, or on our website Be sure to “like” Addie & Ella on facebook, as we have many giveaways scheduled for the year.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Soldsie Store Opening on Facebook!

Exciting news! You asked and we listened! We will begin selling Addie & Ella on our facebook page starting Tuesday the 21st at 7 PM Eastern. You can pre-connect to the sale by liking our page and registering now using this link:

On Tuesday, simply visit our page and comment "sold" on any and every piece you want to buy, and we will send you an invoice instantly. Prices will be revealed during the sale. It's that simple. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Embracing our differences

I often say to my kids, "If we were all the same, the world would stand still and be quite boring!"  Growing up I always felt this to be true, even though I would hear others berate someone for doing something a different way or have a different way of thinking.  I would think, "It's okay that they have their way and I have mine."  We can all be right.  And it's not even a question of being right or wrong.  It's all about embracing ourselves and one another for who we are.  We all are born into this life with differences that are more than skin deep.  Our desires, ambitions, thinking, emotions, intellect, ability, tastes, down to our favorite color are all meant to be different (read first sentence again).  Our differences allow us to grow and learn from one another, encouraging new thoughts and considerations.  Our differences allow some of us to be leaders and others to be artists.  The most important thing is to really love ourselves.