When you look good, you feel good!
Those words were lovingly said by Shirleen, an amazing nurse at the Levine Children's Hospital Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit. Shirleen, baby Scottie, and all the other precious babies and their families who called the Levine NICU their home for a time, inspired us to help spread cheer where it was needed. While trying to come up with a meaningful way to impact those babies and families, we realized how incredibly small we felt. How could we possibly come up with something that would mean anything when the only wish was for a miracle. From personal experience, we understood that no gesture is too small in a time of need. We also understood that splashes of cheer were not always in sight in the NICU. A NICU baby's closest neighbor is often the machine that is keeping her a live until she has grown enough strength to do it on her own. A NICU baby's best outfit is often a sterile white blanket. So we took nurse Shirleen's words to heart and decided to help the babies feel good. Using fabrics from our collections, we created soft colorful blankets to brighten their beds and hopefully their days. All babies visiting the Levine NICU will have their day brightened by one of the blankets pictured above. It was a heartfelt day when we delivered over 1,000 of these blankets to the Levine NICU. It is our wish that all babies everywhere feel enveloped in love and cheer.